Growing older can be a beautiful experience. With age comes wisdom, poise, and serenity in yourself and life in general. Unfortunately, it also involves physical manifestations of passing time, such as loose skin and sagging jowls.

Developing a double chin as you grow older happens to just about everyone. And it’s not just age—other factors like an individual’s health, fitness level, and lifestyle also contribute to the appearance of a double chin.

While it’s an entirely natural phenomenon, it’s understandable why many wish to get rid of their double chins. Because of this, plastic surgeons have specialized in face and neck lifts for decades.

But not everyone is a candidate for—or even willing to—undergo surgery. Luckily, top-notch medical spas like LA Beauty Skin Center offer several non-surgical aesthetic procedures that can help reduce or eliminate the dreaded double chin.

What Is Submental Fat?

While the term double chin certainly describes the condition, there is a technical term for it. The anterior triangle of the neck, located beneath the jaw, is called the submental triangle. So, the deposits that accumulate in the submental area that lead to a double chin are called submental fat.

When patients seek face sculpting treatments, eliminating or reducing accumulated fat in this area is among the most popular requests.

What Is Submental Fat

Causes of Submental Fat

Now that we know what it is, it’s time to understand how it accumulates—there are many different reasons for this.
Let’s examine the most frequently occurring ones:

1. Weight Gain

One of the most common reasons why people develop submental fat under chin is weight gain. Eating unhealthy foods high in saturated fats or highly processed will likely lead to more fat in many problem areas, including beneath the chin.

2. Genetics

Cosmetic surgeons are often asked, “Is double chin genetic?” Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Some people are genetically predisposed to weight gain, which can lead to fat gathering in the submental area.

3. Posture and Lifestyle

Sitting hunched over a desk for many hours daily can weaken the muscles in the neck and cause the skin to sag.

Lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption also cause fat to accumulate in problem areas, including the chin and neck.

4. Aging

While most causes of fat accumulation can be prevented or at least mitigated once they occur, there is no stopping aging. As we grow older, our skin becomes less taut and supple. Sagging skin can cause the appearance of a double chin in the submental area.

What Are the Non-Surgical Treatments for Submental Fat?

Prevention is always better than the cure—living a healthy lifestyle, avoiding fatty foods, exercising and maintaining an optimal body weight are the best ways to prevent a double chin. But people still need assistance in eliminating stubborn fat, which is where double chin treatments come in.

While plastic surgeons can sculpt the face and eliminate fat with surgical lifts and liposuction treatments, those aren’t the only options. You can opt for a non-surgical aesthetic procedure to remove fat without going under the knife.

Let’s look at some of the most effective treatment options for submental fat reduction that do not involve surgery.

What Are the Non-Surgical Treatments for Submental Fat

Coolsculpting for Submental Fat Reduction

Did you know that fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than skin cells? This principle is the idea behind CoolSculpting treatments, which use precisely controlled cold temperature temperatures to destroy fat cells in a targeted area. This non-invasive procedure eliminates fat cells within an hour.

The results from CoolSculpting treatments take a few weeks to emerge as the body works on dissolving the eliminated fat cells and excreting them from the body. Depending on the amount of the fat tissue, several treatments might be necessary to achieve your desired result.

Certain conditions, like cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, make those who have them ineligible for CoolSculpting.

Kybella Injections to Eliminate Double Chin

The body produces deoxycholic acid in the digestive system to break down fat in food. Kybella injections involve a synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is injected into the submental area by an expert medical practitioner to break down the fat cells.

It takes multiple treatments (from four to six) about a month apart to get the best results.

Morpheus8 Treatments to Sculpt Jawline and Remodel The Subdermal Adipose Tissue

Double chins often involve skin folds and discoloration. Morpheus8 treatment combines microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) therapy to combat these issues.

Deep micro punctures from Morpheus8 needles jumpstart the remodeling of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, and boost collagen production, while heat from the RF causes the skin to contract and become tighter. Submental fat can be permanently removed with multiple sessions of Morpheus8 treatments.

CoolSculpting, Kybella Injections, and Morpheus8: Main Differences

These three non-surgical treatment options to remove fat accumulation around the chin and neck have been proven to show excellent results. It is crucial for patients to consult with a licensed medical practitioner, who will outline the best options or a combination of treatments for the desired results.

The key difference among the three treatments is how they achieve similar goals. CoolSculpting uses controlled cold temperatures to freeze fat cells, Kybella injections contain deoxycholic acid to eliminate fat, and Morpheus8 deploys deep-penetrating needles with RF energy to remodel the subcutaneous adipose tissue, stimulate neocollagenesis and tighten the skin.

Main Differences Between CoolSculpting, Kybella Injections, and Morpheus8

What To Expect after Subdermal Fat Removal

The question of how to get rid of submental fat has many valid answers. The non-invasive procedures discussed in this article are less risky than surgical procedures to achieve similar results.

Even so, non-surgical treatments still have potential side effects. These include:

   Discomfort and pain in targeted areas

   Redness after treatment

   Swelling and bruising

When considering submental fat reduction, it’s vital to discuss all the options with your doctor to find the best one for you.

As a leading medical spa in Los Angeles, LA Beauty Skin Center offers these non-invasive treatments. Contact LA Beauty Skin Center through their website and look up the price of Kybella treatments, CoolSculpting price in Los Angeles, and Morpheus8 treatment packages.

With the right treatments, it’s possible to eliminate a double chin and achieve the facial shape you desire. Just book an appointment at LA Beauty Skin Center for a consultation. Our doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants will answer all your questions and help you find the best course of treatment for you!

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